這個插件設計的WordPress 博客平台。 sociallist插件,讓上網,以節省,產品目錄,並分享有趣的網頁,他們在網上找到。該sociallist插件appends按鈕,為社會書籤的站點到去年底,博客的職位,增加你的潛在觀眾。
To install, download and unzip it, and upload the sociallist-social-bookmarking-widget folder (not just the files in it!) in your wp-contents/plugins folder. In your WordPress administration, go to the Plugins page to Activate the Sociallist plugin and a subpage for Sociallist will appear in your Options menu.
sociallist插件測試,為安全和批准 wordpress插件存放 。
下載 Sociallist Plugin v.1.5.1 為在WordPress (獲釋 8 May 2008)